marianna romano
Hi, I'm Marianna. I work as a podcast producer, focused on narrative journalism. I like to look for the potential for stories and make them come alive in a way that really gets the listener from the start.
I learned how to do this editing a lot of stories, always with an editorial eye. Since I've formally studied music, I also produced soundtracks, both for podcast shows and movies, and gradually moved on to conceptualizing and directing shows. I'm really passionate about the whole process, all but uploading the actual thing to the feed.
I am most proud of my work directing, editing and scoring 5-part show Pistoleiros, which you can find more about here.
I composed and assisted with music production at the fantastic podcast Reply All, by Gimlet Media. It is narrative audio at its finest, always compelling and fun. They just finished their long journey now and I'm so incredibly proud to have been a part of it for a while.
I was also a regular contributor for Radio Novelo, working with clients such as Revista Piauí, Futura, Japan House, LAUT, and several other, which you can check on my portfolio page. I also contribute with Trovão Mídia regularly on their shows, as well as many other production companies.
Before getting in podcasting, I was proud to collaborate as a music editor for the kid's massive hit show TV show "DPA - Detetives do Prédio Azul" (Gloob). I learned a lot there.
I studied music composition for a while at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) and have a major in Radio Studies, as well as a technical degree as Audio Operator from SENAI.
In my own music, I produced an album called Romance Modelo (selo RISCO, 2017). I also took part at the mentorship program ASA in 2019, a program for women in the audio business in partnership with Oi Futuro, and the British Council. It was really cool. You can find the stuff I make by browsing the menu. Keep in touch and stay safe!